
py4cytoscape requires Python 3.6, 3.7, or 3.8. If you do not already have a Python environment configured on your computer, please see the instructions for installing the full scientific Python stack.


If you are on Windows and want to install optional packages (e.g., scipy), then you will need to install a Python distributions such as Anaconda, Enthought Canopy, Python(x,y), WinPython, or Pyzo. If you use one of these Python distribution, please refer to their online documentation.

PyCharm and other integrated development environments often install their own Python distributions.

Below we assume you have the default Python environment already configured on your computer and you intend to install py4cytoscape inside of it. If you want to create and work with Python virtual environments, please follow instructions on venv and virtual environments.

First, make sure you have the latest version of pip (the Python package manager) installed. If you do not, refer to the Pip documentation and install pip first.

Cytoscape Prerequisite

To exercise py4cytoscape, you must first have downloaded, installed, and executed Cytoscape. If you have not already done this, please refer to the Launching Cytoscape instructions.


Cytoscape and py4cytoscape must be running on the same workstation or virtual machine. py4cytoscape communicates with Cytoscape via a localhost connection, which precludes py4cytoscape from accessing Cytoscape remotely. While this limitation can be overcome by configuring py4cytoscape or supplying the Cytoscape URL in py4cytoscape calls, this can become a complex networking problem if firewalls and routers are present on the network.

Install the development version (Python Console or Jupyter Notebook)

Install the current release of py4cytoscape with pip:

pip install python-igraph requests pandas networkx
pip install py4cytoscape
cd py4cytoscape
python install # or python install --user

To install the latest py4cytoscape development version, instead of pip install py4cytoscape, use:

git clone git://

Verify Cytoscape connection

To verify that py4cytoscape is properly installed and able to communicate with Cytoscape, execute the following in a Python Console or Jupyter Notebook (after starting Cytoscape):

import py4cytoscape as py4

This will import py4cytoscape into the Python namespace, print a (long) list of py4cytoscape entrypoints, and then demonstrate a connection to Cytoscape by collecting Cytoscape information.


py4cytoscape uses the Python unittest testing package. You can learn more about unittest on its homepage.

To execute tests from an OS command line, set the current directory to the py4cytoscape package directory. Then, establish the execution environment:

cd tests


You must start Cytoscape before executing any tests. For Cytoscape execution, the current directory should be the Cytoscape program directory.

The py4cytoscape test suite consists of a number of sub-suites. Executing one or two of them is relatively quick. To execute a single sub-suite (e.g.,

python -m unittest

To execute more than one sub-suite (e.g., and

python -m unittest

To execute the entire test suite:

python -m unittest

To execute a single test (e.g., test_get_app_information) in a single test suite:

python -m unittest test_apps.AppsTests.test_get_app_information


To send test output to a file, redirect stderr and console:

python -m unittest 2>stderr.log 1>cons.log

Some tests require console input, and without console prompts, the tests will appear to stall. To avoid executing such tests, set the PY4CYTOSCAPE_SKIP_UI_TESTS environment variable described below.

The runalltests.bat script contains all commands needed to run all tests with all environment variables set. It must be run with the tests directory as the current directory.


To execute tests with less console debug output, set this environment variable before executing tests:


To further configure logging, see the Logging file.


To execute tests without showing test names as tests execute, set this environment variable before executing the tests:



To skip execution of tests that require user input, set this environment variable before executing tests:



When executing a large number of tests, we recommend that all three environment variables be set as described above.


When executing tests in PyCharm, you can set environment variables using the Run | Edit Configurations... menu item.